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Are Aliens Good or Bad?

As with all things, they are good and bad versions. Aliens, or intergalactics as I prefer to call them, are no different.

A good example of intergalactics are the Tall Whites and Space Brothers two names for Nordic aliens. Angelic beings are regarded to be the source of many faiths and ancient civilizations. A bad example may be that of the Reptilians.

On this episode of my show, The UFO Woman, I discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly!


ufo woman melisa kennedy aliens ritual flying saucer witch

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I'm known as the UFO Woman™ and Founder & CEO of The Kennedy Foundation that's a great conglomerate of fringe topic businesses, products, and events such as UFOCon®, Cryptic Culture™, ParaHouse™ TV and more.

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